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rayleighconnect™ collects many electrical energy parameters focusing on energy.

What is energy?

In alternating current (AC) systems, electrical energy refers to the power transferred or used by devices and systems that run on AC electricity.


Electrical energy in AC systems starts at power plants, where various energy sources like coal, natural gas, nuclear reactions, or renewable sources like wind and solar are used to generate electricity. This electricity is typically produced as alternating current (AC) due to its efficiency in transmission and distribution over long distances.


Once generated, AC electrical energy is transmitted through power lines over long distances to reach homes, businesses, and industrial facilities. During transmission, the energy is in the form of alternating voltage and current, with the frequency typically set at 50 or 60 Hertz (Hz) depending on the region.


At substations closer to end-users, the voltage of the electrical energy is adjusted and distributed through local power lines to homes and buildings. Transformers are used to step down the voltage to safer levels for household use.


Electrical energy is consumed by various devices and appliances in homes, businesses, and industries. When you plug in a device or turn on a light switch, electrical energy flows through the circuit, powering the device and enabling it to perform its intended function. For example, electrical energy is converted into light energy by a light bulb, into heat energy by a heater, or into kinetic energy by an electric motor.


The consumption of electrical energy is measured in units of kilowatt-hours (kWh). This unit represents the amount of energy consumed when a device with a power rating of one kilowatt (kW) operates continuously for one hour. Your electricity bill is typically calculated based on the total kilowatt-hours of electrical energy consumed over a billing period.


Electrical energy in AC systems powers our modern society, providing the energy needed to operate devices, appliances, and machinery. It is generated, transmitted, distributed, and consumed in a continuous cycle, playing a crucial role in our daily lives and economic activities.