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Archival data

rayleighconnect™ provides fast and secure archival data storage.

Unlimited archival data access

rayleighconnect™ offers unlimited archival data with following conditions:

  • max. data resolution 1 minute (high resolution data may be collected and stored, but is excluded from unlimited access)
  • accounts must have continously active standard subscription
  • data access starts with date of registration of the gateway

The data may be removed in following cases:

  1. if the subscription has expired more than 30 days ago
  2. if requested by customer
  3. if gateway is unregistered
  4. if gateway configuration is changed (eg. sensor is removed)

Due to architecture of the system and internal policies the data is not always removed in above cases.

Custom data retention policies

For special projects custom data retention policy can be agreed.

For example archival data may be automatically removed after configured period of time due to regulations requirements.

Where is the data stored?

We use multiple datacenters to ensure high availability of rayleighconnect™ cloud service.

All data is replicated to at least:

  • four physical servers
  • two physical locations

All data is stored in Europe.


Please refer to Security documentation page.